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Godot, Unreal and Unity logos, side by side.

Plenty of Game Jams

Unreal Engine

My first Game Jam was in 2016 using Unity and it was the Epic Game Jam. Since then I've participated to tens of them: other Epics, Global Game Jam, Ludum Dare, all 48 hours or less. Sometimes alone, sometimes in teams of up to fifteen people.

My latest game with Unity is Doubly Fluffy, a rythm-racing game made with a team of three people during the Epic Game Jam 2017.

I tried to do the 2022 Epic Game Jam by myself to learn the new Procedural Content Generation system of Unreal Engine 5. This is how I've built Reborn (pictured above), an interactive experience where you have to climb a mountain and the time of day evolves with your altitude. No single mesh in this level has been hand-placed, it's all procedural.

My latest Game Jam has been on Godot 4 and it was once again an Epic Game Jam. We were a team of seven and created Wildwood Melodies, a 2D game where you have to imitate the song of animals to gain their powers and find your way back home. This is the first time I used Game Dev Space for a gamejam and it held really well, allowing us to make last minute changes after playtests and deploying the game on Itch in barely a minute, automatically.