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A screenshot of the Gamecamp presentation where you can see an actor being retargeted on a small character in realtime thanks to the Live manager.

Live manager for Mocap shooting


When shooting Mocap, it can be really beneficial to have a 3D reproduction in realtime of whatever is happening on set. This lets everyone see how their character moves as they move or if they collide with the environment.

This is where the Live manager comes in. It's a Motion Builder plugin built in Python/Qt that lets us load the Level and Characters in 3D and retarget them on our actors in realtime.

Additionnaly, this doubles up as a production management tool. It will save in Shotgrid (a production tracking software) which actor/actress is playing which character for a given animation in a given level.

Learn more about this tool in this presentation we made in 2022 at Gamecamp (in french).