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Make the same


...but in better


The human-centric platform for game development

Game Dev Space helps game developers build their projects stress-free.

  • Version your game
  • Test and deploy automatically
  • Sleep easy

What is Game Dev Space?

Game Dev Space is a 🇨🇭 based cloud infrastructure dedicated to gamedev-related software for a healthier work environment.

It's a set of online services that I can set up for you.

Version Control

Game Dev Space lets you collaborate through an open-source Git forge to version your projects. Catch bugs earlier and deploy your game automatically with its full fledged CI/CD solution without compute time limitations.


Remote workspaces, HTTP automation, chat... it's all at your fingertips. Weather you're building a robust pipeline or jamming every month on different projects, Game Dev Space is tailorable to your needs.


Have a question or an issue? Simply contact me by mail or on Discord so we can start addressing it.

Updating our game on Itch after the first playtests only took a minute and happened automatically after each commit

for the 10th Epic Game Jam

Eating your own bread has never been that easy

as I develop my own projects with Game Dev Space

We know how it goes...

Our industry is hard

The videogame industry is known for its difficult work conditions. Crunch, burnouts, layouts...

You know the drill. I know the drill, first hand.

But you're an indie!

This doesn't apply to you! No, you...

never overwork yourself

never do all-nighters

never have merge issues

only deploy your games once


All game dev is hard work

Improve your work environment

Thankfully, we can leverage tried and tested technologies to help us on this difficult journey towards peaceful development.

Version Control

Sharing files and code, as easy as it gets

Using Git and its Large File System lets you benefit from the best version control system there is for files of all sizes.

The open-source Github clone Gitea frees us from licenses and limited minutes of automation per month, among other benefits.

Gitea logo

Automated testing

Testing our code is key when discussing both code quality and developer experience. With Game Dev Space, each change is tested automatically and on the cloud. It's called Continuous Integration (CI for short).

Gitea actions example where a project is tested and packaged

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery (CD) lets you build and deploy your game automatically, as often as possible.

This way you always have a working build available and when it breaks, you know exactly where to look to solve it.

Gitea actions jobs to deploy a multi-platform Godot project to Itch in less than a minute

Use case example

Chat-based project management

You don't have to learn fancy new tools to benefit from CI/CD. Here's an example of how it might integrate in your messaging application of choice.

CI Bot
❌ Tests failed on main branch!
My tests keep failing
I've seen somewhere that I should do: sudo rm -rf /
Best coworker
NO DON'T!!! Try this instead
CI Bot
✅ Tests succeded on main branch! Build is available here.
Build works fine, I'll send it to prod
@CIBot #Deploy
CI Bot
✅ Project successfully deployed to!

Games are for everyone, so is healthy gamedev

Accessible tools for every team

There's no one size fits all when discussing tooling. That's why the tools are adaptable to your team, project, pipeline and workflows.


What's your favourite flavour?

Are you an open-source fan like me and love Godot? Or are you developing the next ulta-realistic AAA MMORPG using the one and only Unreal Engine 5? Or did you stick with Unity?

Either way I got you covered. And if you use another engine, it's fine. It can almost certainly be adapted to run on the platform as well.

Godot, Unreal and Unity logos

Opiniated for best practices

By default, the platform's automation encourages Trunk-based Development because I believe it to be the best collaboration practice.

But you may disagree and prefer Git Flow for example and that's fine.

Every team is unique, the platform adapts to your preferences.

A main development branch to which commits are made directly instead of feature and release branches
Version Control

Go wild with Perforce

While Git is an incredible VCS, game engine integrations may be a bit lacking sometimes especially with Unreal Engine.

Lots of Epic Game's tooling is built around Perforce and you can directly benefit from it by setting up a server on Game Dev Space.

Perforce logo

Use case example

Same space, different environments

Let's see how two teams might benefit differently from Game Dev Space.

💻 First is a solo dev with many Godot projects, they like to jam.

🏢 Second is a bigger team working fully remotely on an ongoing project with Unreal Engine 5.

💻 Solo dev

As a solo dev for small projects, we can just setup a Gitea instance which takes care of versioning and of CI/CD to automate the deployments.

1 2 4 8 16 32
20GB 40GB 60GB 80GB 100GB

With a single service and little resources dedicated to it, our solo dev makes sure to reduce their expenses while benefitting from a full versioning and CI/CD solution for their projects, completely on the cloud.

🏢 Remote team

This team need to share bigger files and maintain a larger codebase together: testing and documentation become key to prevent breakage.

1 2 4 8 16 32
20GB 40GB 60GB 80GB 100GB

We setup a Gitea instance for versioning and CI/CD, but with lots of resources that can spin up when needed to take care of multiple automations at the same time.

Since not everyone is a tech pro, the more common processes can be controlled right from a chat paired with workflow automation.

Finally, we setup a website, some custom web tools and the docs. We can go a step further and setup remote workspaces: It lets you code from anywhere, without any setup and it's great for onboarding new team members.

With all these services on the cloud, the team covers most of their automation needs which are available to everyone in the team regardless of where they work from. Not the worst Developer Experience.

Tools by humans, for humans.

Take back control

Most platforms will resell you an Amazon cloud subscription at a high price with the added bonus of being tied up in their ecosystem.

Well it doesn't have to be that way.


Hosted in Switzerland 🇨🇭

Game Dev Space leverages Infomaniak's cloud in Geneva, which means better employee protection than anything the main cloud providers will ever do.

It's also an eco-friendly provider. Their next datacenter is actually going to use the servers' heat to provide hot water to the city above! One of the many advantages of mutualized resources.

An image of the city of Geneva with the big water stream visible

Community driven

Need a hand to test your code or to automate some task? Simply ask around on discord, we'll be there to help.

Made a custom script to ease your life? Share it with the community, someone else might benefit from it.

Discord logo

Make it your own

Need something more? If it runs in docker, we can host it. You can develop your own tools and host them on the cloud easily using containers.

Combined with workflow automation over HTTP, you can connect the tools you use everyday for mail, drive, chat, project management or production tracking to your very own dedicated infrastructure.

An n8n workflow for linking github events with jira and slack

Use case example

Didn't have enough?

Are you missing something? Another CI tool, Kanban tools, Google drive replacement, Microsoft Office alternative... The open source world is filled to the brim with useful stuff. Check these out.

docker compose up -d
--- Automation ---
Concourse container started!
Woodpecker container started!
Kestra container started!
--- Project management ---
Huly container started!
Taiga container started!
--- Collaborative tools ---
Nextcloud container started!
Collabora container started!

Butterscotch Shenanigans' Seth Coster

“You can't afford not to do this.”

Seth Coster is a developer who was tired of the stress and pressure that seemed to always come from game development. That's why he and his team started implementing DevOps principles for their studio, the same principles that Game Dev Space enables and encourages.

“As soon as you take even one single step towards applying DevOps principles to your work, you'll see immediate benefits.”

From that point on, he and his team never looked back. Check out his amazing GDC talk Stress-Free Game Development: Powering Up Your Studio With DevOps